Apple Books Self


Steve JobsMy sister kindly bought me the Steve Jobs biography for Christmas (thanks Lu!). Naturally, the beginning of the book retells Jobs’s earlier years – specifically, his concentration on Zen Buddhism and the self.

Although I do not consider myself a Zen Buddhist, the end of the calendar year offers unique opportunities to ask self-facing questions. What did I accomplish in 2011? What goals should I set for 2012? How can I become a better me?

Concentrate on a few goals

Chris Brogan uses his “3 words” to drive his rebirth every new year. At HB, we set four broad goals with specific, attainable tasks to complete throughout the year.

I plan to do the same for 2012. My three key developmental areas:

  • Writing and content development. Via JRHcreative and The HB Blog, I plan to write several blog posts a month. Some will serve as video posts.
  • Contributions. I will comment feverishly on marketing blogs and Google+ to stay abreast on industry trends and its fire starters.
  • Think big. My sense of design drives my thinking  – but I want to bring that aesthetic to my strategic development, content development, an ideation process.

One year from now, I plan to share my successes in a similar blog post… and develop three new concentrations for 2013.

What are your plans for next year? 

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